September 10, 2008
By: Marvin Williams
“…For of such is the Kingdom of Heaven”
Two buses loaded with people and gifts from various North Louisiana churches such as Calvary, The Spanish Church in Bossier, Koran, Fillmore, Shreve City, Blanchard, Oil City, Martin and Hunter Magnolia Baptist churches pulled out from the Calvary Baptist Church parking lot on August 28th at 4:30 p.m. to begin a 4 day mission trip to Nuevo Laredo, Mexico. As the sky grew dark and the rain poured down, no one even mentioned Gustav which was heading into the Gulf of Mexico.
Before a team of almost 70 people loaded up, they gathered in a circle in the parking lot to ask God for traveling grace and a special anointing as they would share The Gospel in the coming days. Bro. Price Harris, founder of Price Harris Ministries and sponsor of the mission trip led the team which was made up of ministers, youth, and laypersons.
After traveling all night, the weary but expectant group rolled up to the Rio Grande Missionary Help facility in Laredo, Texas. They were welcomed by Bro. Bill Waldrop and his wife Carolyn who founded RGMH. Everyone got a hot shower and breakfast before going across the border into Nuevo Laredo to visit the children at a combination orphanage/school known as Casa Hogar Douglas.
As 3 vans and 1 bus loaded with mission-minded Christians parked outside the gate, they were met with the smiling faces of children running toward them shouting, “Hola amigos….como esta!” (Hello friends….how are you?) Each child was given a gift bag which included personal hygiene items, toys, pencils, baseball cards, candy, etc.
The Gospel was presented to the children and teachers in various ways including a puppet show, string ministry, and skits. They were also treated to balloons fashioned as the cross (which the children soon turned into colorful toy swords to play with) and face-painting.
On Saturday, the team went into the streets and markets of Nuevo Laredo to minister. Gospel tracts written in Spanish were handed out. The love of Jesus was shared with many before moving on to another orphanage named Casa Hogar Elim which currently houses 115 children. Some of these children are physically disabled, some have parents who are incarcerated, and some where just dropped off there by parents who couldn’t care for them.
As the gift-giving, face-painting and other festivities were underway, a young girl was noticed standing in a distance peeping around a wall to see what was going on. One of the team approached her with the intention of offering a gift bag and an invitation to join in. She turned and ran away. The team member asked one of the youth to see if she could encourage the little girl to accept a gift. A few minutes later, they both walked into the open and it was obvious that the little girl of 11 had been abused and would soon give birth to a child. One of the team shared with her in Spanish that Jesus loved her and gave His life for her. Tears flowed from her eyes as she asked God to forgive her and save her.
As the children led their newfound friends around the compound, there was only laughter and smiling faces. The only tears seen were in the eyes of those who knew they’d have to leave the little ones behind until the next time.
Immediately following a church service in the chapel at RGMH on Sunday, the buses were loaded and the team began the trek home. Many people were changed over what was to be a long Labor Day weekend. Decisions were made in the streets of Nuevo Laredo as well as in the orphanages and church at RGMH.
As the buses arrived in Shreveport around 2:30 a.m. on Monday, the weary travelers were still discussing plans for the next opportunity to return.
For more information about how you can minister and be a blessing, Price Harris can be contacted at: phea2@aol.com or by visiting his website at: http://www.dcw.net/phea/.