August - September Newsletter

Craig and Melodie (Easter-2010)
Price and Precious Gypsy Girl (Romania-2010)
August-September 2010
Dear Ones,
Dear Ones,
Craig was our beloved son-in-law! He was diagnosed with non-small-cell lung cancer December 14 of last year. He immediately started treatment for the cancer which had already progressed beyond the possibility of surgery. Over the weeks – there was some good news, but the cancer finally had its way. Craig went to be with the Lord on June 30. Seldom, if ever, have I experienced an outpouring of love like we did in the community of Hoke’s Bluff, AL. For weeks the people came with love, with tangible expressions of love, and then at the viewing on Friday night the First Baptist Church of Hokes Bluff was filled with friends. On Saturday, the church was filled again with people who loved Melodie and Craig and their boys. Several days before his death, Craig’s youth pastor, Allen Hudson, came by and it was a thrill to hear them recount when Craig was saved and baptized as a teenager. Pray for Melodie, Baylor, Blake, and Brandon. We will miss Craig –and look forward to that wonderful place called Heaven.
ROMANIA - 2010
“In June, a special event was Price’s visit. He and the team from America are very devoted to us and very close to the children born through the Estera foundation. We put together a festive meal and enjoyed a short program prepared by the States team. The mommies felt so well that they didn’t want to leave. It was indeed an unforgettable time. Several of the Mother’s indicated that they gave their lives to the Lord during this meeting.” (an excerpt from the Esther Foundation newsletter) Our trip to Romania was so fruitful. We had almost 300 people respond to the gospel – we had a wonderful time of encouragement with our Christian friends. The special projects with the Gypsy children and with the Esther foundation were so blessed. We also were able to help several families and students with gifts because of your generosity. Thank you for the opportunity to be used among a dear people of another culture and many miles from our home.
As we remember the tragic events of September 11, 2001, we want to send you a reminder of this event that has affected all of our lives. Thanks for helping us as we seek to lift up Jesus! Don’t forget January 7, 2011!! (the Night of Praise)
“In June, a special event was Price’s visit. He and the team from America are very devoted to us and very close to the children born through the Estera foundation. We put together a festive meal and enjoyed a short program prepared by the States team. The mommies felt so well that they didn’t want to leave. It was indeed an unforgettable time. Several of the Mother’s indicated that they gave their lives to the Lord during this meeting.” (an excerpt from the Esther Foundation newsletter) Our trip to Romania was so fruitful. We had almost 300 people respond to the gospel – we had a wonderful time of encouragement with our Christian friends. The special projects with the Gypsy children and with the Esther foundation were so blessed. We also were able to help several families and students with gifts because of your generosity. Thank you for the opportunity to be used among a dear people of another culture and many miles from our home.
As we remember the tragic events of September 11, 2001, we want to send you a reminder of this event that has affected all of our lives. Thanks for helping us as we seek to lift up Jesus! Don’t forget January 7, 2011!! (the Night of Praise)
In HIS love,
Price Harris
Price Harris
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