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Location: Shreveport, LA, United States

Thursday, July 13, 2006

God Loves You!

For the past several years, I have been recording some new music every other year to help me have new material for my meetings and also to be able to place our ministry in the homes of many Christian friends. What a blessing it is to distribute these C. D.'s as we go. I thank God for the joy of sharing these in many different countries and across the country. Several years ago, a friend of mine sent one of his friends one of my C. D.'s. This sweet lady has since bought several hundred of my C. D.'s and has literally given them away for the glory of God. Next week, I will be in the Benson Sound Studio in Oklahoma City to record 10 wonderful songs around the theme of the love of God. I plan to package this music in a case that is easy to carry. The traditional C. D. cases are so easy to break. This one is actually card board with a plastic cover. The front will have the words, "God Loves You" in many languages. The back liner will have a simple plan of salvation and information on how to contact us for meetings. Pray for me as I travel and record. It is so important to be well vocally, and also ready spiritually. I will share with you the progress of this project over the next few months. "He Loves Me, He Loves Me, Jesus Loves Me, He Loves Me, He Loves Me, Jesus Loves Me." Price Harris

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Good News Chapel - Dozier, Alabama

I was a guest of the Good News Chapel this weekend. My friend and former pastor, "Step" Martin asked the pastor to invite me and we were there for their a. m. worship service, a grand July 4 Celebration and ended the day with some music and another message by Bro. "Step".

The Good News Chapel is pastored by Bro. Jay Driver. Jay grew up in the community, has two brothers who are in the church, and his Dad is the music leader. It is just amazing how God is using this young man to reach the area for Christ.

The Good New Chapel sponsors a camp for teenagers. This year there were more than 400 in attendance. They are involved in a drug rehab program that brings in many to the church during the year. He is teaching a marriage seminar during their Sunday School. I believe there were 8 or 10 couples in that class. Aside from that he and his wife, Robin, have 8 children--Jordan, Brittany, J. D., Kayla, Benjamin, Andrew, Jedidiah, and Liberty. This week Robin will give birth to their 9th child-a boy! Pray for her - this is a high risk birth - God will take care of her and the precious baby.

Rarely, if ever, have I seen a church functioning more like a New Testament Church. There was a unity among the age groups, and a healty group of every age group. We watched them worship together and play together. Young pastors who are seeking to build healthy, balanced churches would do well to study the life and methods of Pastor Jay Driver. I can put you in touch.

Ann and I are driving to Hokes Bluff, AL tomorrow. We will spend a couple of days with our Alabama children and then Sunday through Wednesday I will be ministering at the Agape Baptist Church in Scottsboro, Al. We have a full summer -- I am praying for God to fill our open dates for the fall and then 2007.

In HIS love,

Price Harris