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Monday, September 27, 2010

Laredo Mission Experience

Labor Day – 2010

Price Harris Ministries
September 1-4

For more than 20 years Price has led this trip to the border of Mexico and in co-operation with the Rio Grande Missionary Help Ministry. This has provided a place where people of all ages can have an intensive missionary experience for a minimal cost.

This year the trip was unique. Because of the violence within Mexico, Bro. Bro. Bill Waldrop (the founder of RGMH) called a month before the event and requested that we not plan to come because of the danger. We had already received deposits from nearly all of our travelers at that time. The busses and drivers were in place and people from all over the Ark-La-Tex were committed! I simply asked, “Bro. Waldrop why not pray about us coming and ministering in your community on this side of the border.” Bro. Bill in conference with Bro. Kelli Hein, his son-in-law and the pastor of the Friendly Baptist Church called, and very excitedly accepted the challenge.

In preparation for the mission I share very early in the planning that it is a very difficult weekend physically. We leave on Thursday afternoon at 4 p. m., drive over 600 miles with very few breaks, and arrive in Laredo long past bedtime. (this year we got in bed around 4:00 a. m.) In spite of this we were blessed to have 49 travelers from at least 10 churches.

After a few hours of sleep, we were blessed by a challenge by Pastor Richard Kaufman from Martin Baptist near Coushatta. We then boarded the busses and had dinner with the team and our hosts at a local restaurant. After dinner we stopped by Wal-Mart and each team member was asked to buy a gift for the mission. We suggested cleaning materials, toilet paper, other paper products for the mission to use throughout the year. I call it a “Little is Much” offering. We were amazed at the amount of materials our group bought for the mission.

After the stop at Wal-Mart we went back to RGMH for a time of orientation. Each team member was assigned to a team for visitation, and reminded of their responsibilities in puppets, face painting, Balloon art, etc. Late that afternoon we boarded the busses for a time of canvassing in the local community. Divided into 8 teams and following a light rain, the teams were dropped off to knock on every door and deliver an invitation to a party the next afternoon. One of the residents had given permission to use an empty lot. On muddy streets, with many dogs, and many empty homes, we were obedient to give the invites to passing vehicles, to those who were at home, and by faith leave the papers on doors and fences. My faith was small! After at time of fellowship and a meal we returned to RGMH for a great devotional on “Finding the Will of God” by Dr. Mike Anderson from Haynes Avenue Baptist Church. Lights Out came easy!

In preparation for our trip, God opened a great opportunity for us to go to the Sacred Heart Children’s Home in Laredo. Sister Maria Isidra Valdez gave us freedom to share with 55 beautiful children the story of Jesus and to share gifts with each child. They in turn served refreshments at the end of the program. We were blessed to have Luke and Tori Durst join us to share their ministry of Blankets and Bears. They live in Panhandle, TX and flew down for this brief meeting. Tori shared in tears how God had led her to collect Bears and Blankets and to distribute them just to say “God Loves You”. I was amazed how the children and the Sisters cherished these bears. We followed this with music by Beans and Rice (Pastor Armando Santos and Kalen, grandson of Bro. Waldrop), puppets, and a presentation by Evangelist Carl Carrigan and his friend Andrew, the gospel worm. We are so grateful for the seeds sown of the gospel at this beautiful facility right on the banks of the Rio Grande River. Evidence of the high level of danger was a border patrol car parked on the property and overlooking the river.

Immediately, we went to downtown Laredo for an hour of shopping and literature distribution. It is amazing how many contacts 50 people can make in an hour, and how much they can purchase. One of our pastors was late to the bus. Later we learned he had led a Chinese girl to Christ who sold him a gift for his wife. Evidence of the providence of God was the fact that this pastor had pastored a Chinese mission earlier in life. Can we ever doubt that God is in control. Also Jimmy and Kathy Johnston met a gentleman from Venezuela who was a believer – he was interested in attending the service on Sunday morning! After lunch, rest, and a brief orientation, we left RGMH and headed for that empty lot. I asked the team to pray that we would have 30 people out of the community to attend.

We parked our bus and Bro. Waldrop’s trailer. The trailer is unique, a screen, a platform, and chairs for seating. The puppets set up their elaborate equipment, the face painters, balloon experts, and gift givers made preparation for those who were coming to that very vacant lot.

We were ready for our scheduled start time at 6:30 and all of a sudden were overwhelmed with autos bringing children, and also children and parents walking toward us. In just a few minutes we counted more than 60 there for our party. What a blessing – everyone was wonderful in giving themselves so that the people felt a real part – that they received their gifts, and that they heard clearly presented the way of salvation. Pastor Amador Santos, a native of Puerto Rico and an old friend gave an invitation and more than 20 lifted their hands for salvation. Many stated for a gospel film afterward. We made our way rejoicing to have some fast food, a testimony time and a brief message by Zack Anderson from Martin Baptist in Coushatta, LA. Again lights out was easy.

Sunday morning we were up at 7 a.m. to clean our rooms, and the RGMH compound. We then packed the busses and joined together for the second wonderful breakfast prepared lovingly by several of our team members. My wonderful wife Ann headed the team of cooks.

At little before 10 a.m. the people began to fill up the small room where the Friendly Baptist Church meets. We were on shouting ground as several families we met at the party came to church, and the gentleman from Venezuela showed up. After messages by Bro. Armador and Bro. Carl Carrigan we were blessed to see 3 people come to the Lord. At the end of the service Bro. Carlos Meza, pastor of the Spanish church sponsored by Calvary Baptist in Shreveport, presented the visitors with packets of beans and rice for them to take home!

I just cannot thank our team enough! The Waldrops, the Heins, every team member – especially Bo Attaway and Wallace Scarlett (our bus drivers) were suberb! What a wonderful display of how God works when we are in unity and selflessly use our gifts for His glory!

After a looong trip home we arrived at about 3:00 a.m. Tired but a good tired. Again lights out came easy!



Blogger Richard said...

truly a blessing

1:20 PM  

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