It Was A Grand Reunion!
Dear Ones,
This is a collection of e-mails and notes we have received both leading up to and after the GRAND REUNION! The very first is the letter that caused the event to be born. Most of the notes are printed unedited. I’d love to have you write and share your heart! The second item listed is a prayer request – be sure to read it also. Pray for us as we minister this year.
Price and Ann Harris
September 9, 2005
Dear Sweet Bro. Price,
I felt compelled by the Spirit to write to you; so after 28 or 29 years I want to let you know how you changed my life. I was in your youth group in the mid 1970’s. I went to Oklahoma, Chicago, and then to Canada. You can figure out which years from these precious memories.
You once challenged us to memorize Romans chapter 8. I worked on these 39 verses until I have had them in my heart to be pulled out so many times in answer to questions in my struggling spirit. Each time I had an answer revealed to me through these verses, I have thought of you and how much you taught me as a teenager.
I craved affirmation, but I shunned public display because I did not feel worthy of any praise or being well-spoken of by anyone I admired. I felt it would be too soon before I would disappoint you and others, just by being myself; so I was always content to do my best to shine but not be noticed like the spot light focused in a well lit room can blind the target instead of assist them to see. I have worried that my desire to be affirmed was a sin, like pride, but my self-esteem has never been all that great. No accomplishment has ever been enough for me to feel good about myself. I guess I know my faults too well.
If you look on the album cover you may be able to pick me out but if you try to recall a memory I am probably not there. I have seen several that were in our youth choir and only a few recognize me.
I felt compelled to write. I am not sure why other than to let you know who I am today and to let you know you played a part in shaping my Christian life, my spiritual faith, determining my church service, and developing my love of choir and music. I am a Sunday School teacher, mother of three children who are actively serving God, a wife of almost 25 years to a man who is growing in grace and knowledge of a deeper personal relationship with Christ, and a choir member who sings whatever part is lacking on any given Sunday. No I don’t want to toot my own horn, but feel the need to praise God..for you. You have a part in who I have become. Your encouragement and especially the gift of the challenge to write Romans 8 in my heart because it had so many precious promises in it have influenced me to strive to overcome any difficulties I have had to face.
I learned the truth that “the Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God and joint-heirs with Christ” so that I could cling to my faith during any crisis. I would recall the promise that even though “we know not what we should pray for as we ought, the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings which cannot be uttered” sot that we can pray in accordance with the will of God even when we are not sure what His will is. I still cling to the fact that “nothing can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Each verse from beginning to end and those before chapter 8 and those beyond it have come into play over the years to give a precious promise I have clung to during a spiritual storm. I recited these verses to my class of teenagers recently and then to my church family one Wednesday night while we were studying the book of Romans. I felt you should know the part you played in this means more to me than the fact that these opportunities to share these verses occurred. May God receive the glory! And may you feel blessed to know you have had a part.
May God bless you and keep you. May His face shine upon you and be gracious, and give your peace.
In Christ alone,
Jo Smith Hogan – Jonesboro, LA
Bro. Price,
I have so enjoyed sharing with friends and family about the Grand Reunion. There were more present from that 1st choir tour than I expected and it was so good to see them again after so many years. I know it was a big undertaking to organize this event and all involved did such a good job.
To sing in the "youth choir" once again under your leadership was such a blessing--once again joining together as we sang "Pass It On." Of course, there were many there I did not know, but all the testimonies again and again reflected of how much we all loved you for loving us. You poured into us what Christ poured into you--His great love--and for that I thank you again.
It was good to see so many at the Praise Service. I never dreamed there would be so many there that night. But to see all of your family as well as Bro. Step and Pat and all their family was incredible. Then, seeing Larry and Judy, Jerry and Geraldine, Martha and Everett, Gloria Wyatt, Mr. and Mrs. Sumrall, Lucy, Suanne, Jean and JJ, Billy-so many that gave of their time to us all those years ago. It was so much fun.
Two things that stand out for me was the privilege of sharing my testimony (thanks for asking) and getting to speak one on one with some of the youth I spent time with all those many years ago. Nelda and Peggy Kennedy, Gary Frazier, Larry Sumrall, Robin Sumrall, Steve Petty, Mike Terry, Debbie Shaw, Debbie Gilmore, Cindy Wyatt, and of course, Cathy, Barbara, Sue, Debbie, and Norma--I know I'm leaving some out. As I visited with them, I discovered that we've all experienced difficult times and brokenness in our lives at one time or another as well as times of joy, and yet we cling to the One we know to always be with us, who we know to be Faithful and True. Those two things along with helping to celebrate your 65th birthday were all blessings for me.
I look forward to hearing more concerning your mission work. I love you, Bro. Price ,and I pray that God will continue to bless and confirm the work of your hands.
I hope we can do this again sometime.
Diana (Mabry) Bagley
Dear Bro. Price and Mrs. Ann,
I can't begin to express how much the reunion meant to me. Somehow we recaptured the sweetness of those years in teen choir - and the years since then seemed to have melted away for a little while. For myself, as well as many others, it was a time to reconnect with the things that really matter in life - our relationship with Jesus Christ, and what we do to further God's kingdom. We become so busy with family, work, and the day-to- day realities of living - and it's easy to forget where we came from, and just how far God has brought us. Thank you for once again mentoring and shepherding us, ever so gently, and leading us back "to the fold". Mere words of thanks seem inadequate to express the heartfelt gratitude for all the love, time and effort you've given to me and to all of those God brought into your path. You'll have some crowns to place at the feet of Jesus.
With much love,
Sally (Harbert) Frazier
Bro. Price and Mrs. Ann,
Last weekend was so uplifting to my soul. God knew just what I needed and when I needed it. I heard from my surgeon on Monday. I am in the early stage of breast cancer and will see the oncologist today. My doctor tells me that I need to have surgery in the next couple of weeks. I do have some options and haven't made up my mind yet. I will do that after much prayer and talking to the oncologist and a plastic surgeon on Friday. This came as a total surprise to me. My faith in Jesus is not shaken though. He has seen me through other bumps in the road of my life and I know He'll do the same now. And He has truly given me a rock in Wendell. I praise Him for that. So please keep me in your prayers as I pray for you also. I love you both and thank you for the Godly impact you have had on my life.
Love in Him,
Brenda Frazier Collins
How did the reunion go? I was praying for you and Ann. I hope that you were able to stop for a moment and enjoy all the blessings. Wasn't it awesome to see all that God has done because you made yourself available to Him all of these years? I would love to have been there to see it and to spend time with you and Ann. You are such amazing people! Unfortunately, Tony is in the final stages of his dissertation and his "people" were gathering to go over the final steps with him. But God is good! As sad as I was not to be at the reunion, His plan for me was so much better. I was here on Friday as my youngest daughter became my little sister for eternity!! How great is that?? While you guys were celebrating on Sunday in Shreveport, we were celebrating here as Kelly made a public profession of her faith in God!! There is nowhere else on earth that I would have rather been at that moment! When you get some time, let me know how it went. Keep Kyle in your prayers.
Much love,
Beverly (Vogelsung) Hughes – Alexandria, VA
Dear Bro. Price,
“Happy birthday! I’m sorry that I can’t be there, but if I could have, I would have made the trip gladly. I would have enjoyed sharing the following words with you in person, but perhaps you’ll be able to sense my heart as you read the following lines.
“Apart from my parents, Bro. Step and you provided the human “footprints” that led me into the ministry. Though you two share many spiritual characteristics, to me you fall into two complementary “categories.” (Looking back, I find it interesting to think how the Holy Spirit used both of you – together, but differently – what a team!).
“While Bro. Step was a “larger-than-life” person to me – bold, fiery; thundering in the pulpit, quietly determined and dedicated personally, it was you, Bro. Price, coming along afterward as the “near one,” the mentor – approachable, interested; firm, but patient and encouraging, who God used to cement His calling upon my life. Bro. Step’s seemingly “far-away” and, to my wandering teenage mind, patently “unattainable” standard became comprehendible, reasonable, expected and – amazingly – natural in our walk and talk together. I was, in my own adolescent way, comparing notes: what he said to what you said; how both of you lived what you said, etc.
“What I didn’t realize at the time was that the two of you were plotting together to get me (and others) to do those “far-away” and “unattainable” things. (What were you thinking?)
“I had been in the youth group some time, but was only playing “the game.” Then Bro. J. Harold Smith’s “God’s Three Deadlines” let me know that God wasn’t fooled – nor amused – and I had no choice, but to choose, and do it immediately. Thankfully, I chose Christ over my play-acting. I met Bro. Step down front, and, in spite of his amazement that I needed to be saved, prayed with me. He baptized me that night. My dad sat in stunned silence in the audience, and my mom was shocked as well. I look forward to seeing them again in heaven.
“Anyway, it was the summer after I was saved when the next step in Bro. Step’s and your nefarious plot succeeded. It was on a choir tour, of course, in the Calvary Baptist Church in St. Louis, where I made the decision.
“It was another concert. Another invitation. And I was another teenager struggling with the “far-away” and “unattainable.” “All I have is just me,” I kept thinking, “a skinny, ugly little kid with no redeeming qualities or talents compared to the others.” And yet, with nothing to offer, that day I felt I could do nothing but make the offer.
“Then it clicked. It was as I was looking at you. You were standing near the front, talking to others as they came forward. A new, and to me, strange conviction came unbidden and unlooked-for to my heart – sudden, swelling and final: like the year before when I became a Christian – demanding the same immediate surrender and obedience. It came into my heart as a kind of “solution,” or “answer” to a puzzle: explaining and defining what I was trying to work out in my mind (that “will of God” thing). I knew, suddenly that, for me, obedience to that “far-away” and “unattainable” standard of loving and serving Jesus Christ with all my heart could only be defined as my investing my life in the lives of others, just in the same way you (and Bro. Step in his way) were investing your life in mine. I knew that the “just me” offering was the only offering He was expecting me to give; the only one He would accept.
“Obviously, I’m describing this in 49-year-old ways; but believe me: that was exactly the sensation. It was clear, it was unmistakable, it was instantaneous; and I can still see it in my mind’s eye: God pointed His finger in your direction and said, “This, this is what I have for you. Will you follow? I want your answer, now.” What could I do but say, “Yes”? I think I actually said it aloud. I also remember as I stepped into the aisle to make my way forward that I looked at the other teens in our group, and thought how silly you would think my decision, considering their talents and abilities. You can imagine my surprise when your words were “Well, it’s about time (or something to that effect).” You didn’t seem surprised. You didn’t even seem relieved or grateful that I was making some kind of “ultimate sacrifice” for the Lord. It was more like, “Well, of course, who wouldn’t want to serve Him.”
“Of course, Satan didn’t say, “oh, well, that’s that, let’s find someone else to harass.” My flesh got in the way plenty of times, and sometimes, it was a struggle to do what was right. On several sad occasions, I confess I came within a step or two of destroying what God showed me that evening in St. Louis. Yet I was and have been spared until now, and I know the examples I had been given (My parents, Bro. Step and you), and your continuing prayers are some of the things that the Lord used in my life. These are things use to call me away from the disasters and snares Satan has and will lay for my flesh (Romans 7:24; James 5:16). Truly, I cannot lay claim to any of the “good things” wrought in me or through me: they all are the fruits of “entering into other men’s labors” (John 4:38).
“I know many with you today feel the same way…
“Today, by God’s grace, I have been given a godly wife (the brains of the family), and, together share a home and ministry of 26 years – 19 in one place. My home has been a “heaven here below” (do you remember the song, That’s What Jesus Means to Me?). I have been given four children, who are saved, doing what’s right, and are in or headed into ministries of their own. I believe and am praying they will become so much more than their father; and that, of course, is what all parents desire (Psalm 78:5 – 8).
“Along with these, many others have been saved, and there are other young people who today are preparing for full-time Christian service, or are serving here and even in foreign lands. Theses call or write me from time to time to tell me “thank you.” What they don’t know and can’t realize until we’re in heaven together is that they are your spiritual “grandchildren” in the Lord (II Timothy 1:5).
“All of this rambling on has been to say this: Bro. Step put the Word on my heart (planting), you, Bro. Price, a song on my lips (watering), and, praise be to God, He is giving increase (I Corinthians 3:7). All I’ve tried to do is pass it on, and, in that way repay a debt of love I owe to you both (Psalm 16:2 – 3; II Timothy 2:2).
“For them and from the depths of my heart and soul I want to thank you (and you, Mrs. Ann, Bro. Step and Mrs. Pat). How I love you!
“I’m still “Just Me” … Your Timothy,
Joe Mims (Bedford, VA)
Bro. Price,
I cannot put into words what the reunion meant to really was a piece of heaven to see everyone and fellowship. I am so honored and blessed to have been just a small part of Calvary Bapt. Church. Thanks for doing this and I'm all for another reunion in about 18 months!
I so wanted to give a small testimony on Sat. morning, but I knew that there was no way I could do it without crying...I feel almost dehydrated after my visit home and the reunion. I have such a burden for my boys and others in my life.
Love in Him,
Debbie (Shaw) KIEDROWSKI
Sweet Bro. Price,
Your dream of a GRAND Re-union was JUST THAT! It's BLESSED all that came to participate. Thank you for asking me to participate in the planning. It was a privilege to work with all the others on the team. It was so good to see old friends. And how I wish so many that were not there could have experienced it! I wish we could send each one of them a DVD so it would let them experience it just a little...maybe enough to encourage them to come to the next one? Patrick said to me several times on Sunday how much he enjoyed it. He was a lot of help on Saturday, caring the heavy stuff for me and I enjoyed our hanging out together. Craig said he could feel the excitement and love we all have for each other and for you when we were having share time in the hospitality room. He's been such a blessing to me and to Patrick. I know you were surprised by the LOVE Gift from everyone...we just wanted you to know we haven't forgotten that time you both invested into our lives and what it has come to mean to all of us. I love you and Mrs. Ann very much.
Peggy (Clayton) Harshfield
Bro. Price,We sure did enjoy the reunion. It was unbelievable to me that all of those that came were able to make it. What a joy it must have been for you, because it was a privilege for me to just get to see so many that I thought I'd never see again this side of heaven. We appreciate all that you did for us. Each one in our group wanted me to tell you how much they enjoyed it. I wish that I could have stayed for the testimony time on Saturday. We needed to get on the road to sing that night in Whitesboro, Oklahoma. I have e-mailed Greg and will tell Joe also what they missed. If you haven't heard it too much already, I would sure love it if you could do it again sometime. You are a tremendous blessing to me and my family. We love you.Ronnie LaCaze
Bro. Price,It was such a pleasure to talk with you this morning. It was wonderful to hear the same sweet loving spirit in your voice that first made me feel so loved and included in the Calvary youth group so long ago. Without your love and acceptance, many of us would have not been open to God's message. Thank you so much for being there for us.
Dana (Rowan) Favrot
I am so sorry I had to leave. I was meeting my folks. Believe me, I did not want to go. It was wonderful. I have just talked all week about it. To see what God is doing and how others are
serving was such ablessing. I did not get to order a DVD but I want one. Thank you so much for bringing us all together again. The impact your ministry has had on my life is amazing. Sometime I will write you a long letter. I love you and Miss Ann more than you will ever know. I look forward to having another reunion soon. I know that I live away, but I would love to help if I could. Thank you again for your life and your minstry. You truly are a living example of Jesus.Love,
Beth (Tidwell) Wright
Brother Price,
I want you to know that, as of this writing, we have arranged our holiday so that we will indeed be there for this very special event. I can only imagine the difficulty in contacting all the various people that you have ministered to through these many years. Come to think about it, I guess know one would have guessed that three of us "Martin Kids" would have wound up living in Ethopia, Armenia, and Egypt. Ha! I guess I traded in running away on a pony to hanging out with various unsavory characters and camels somewhere along the way. Sir, this event and our upcoming time in Shreveport will allow me to personally share with you what I have started to pen to you on several occasions in recent years, but did not complete. In a short preview, there are two men which provided that knucklehead kid on that choir stand with role models and a moral compass which has allowed the man which he became to negotiate his life far beyond the streets of Cedar Grove. Of course, those two men are you and Step Martin. Likewise, the knucklehead kid is now a knucklehead living in Cairo, just a little bit older, uglier, and less innocent having experienced one heck of ride since trading in that choir uniform. Thank you! We look forward to seeing you soon.
Marty Martin
We really enjoyed the reunion and fellowship with everyone! Barbara’s jaws are still sore from all the talking she did. Best wishes for your family and ministry during 2007.
David and Barbara (Silvey) Simmons
This past weekend was “Grand”! Carl and I appreciated getting to sing in the Reunion Choir and in the ensemble. Thanks for the extra CD which we have already given away.
Carl and Anita (Bolton) Wilkinson
I was thinking about the time I knocked on your door bleeding from head to toe from that motorcycle wreck. You brought me in and you and Miss Ann anointed me with alcohol. I’m glad you kept your singing job. I don’t think you would have made it as a healing preacher. You have been a great friend Bro. price. I’m looking forward to the singing and the reunion.
Sam Restivo
P.S. I probably won’t last long with this computer thing. it makes my brain hurt!
This is a collection of e-mails and notes we have received both leading up to and after the GRAND REUNION! The very first is the letter that caused the event to be born. Most of the notes are printed unedited. I’d love to have you write and share your heart! The second item listed is a prayer request – be sure to read it also. Pray for us as we minister this year.
Price and Ann Harris
September 9, 2005
Dear Sweet Bro. Price,
I felt compelled by the Spirit to write to you; so after 28 or 29 years I want to let you know how you changed my life. I was in your youth group in the mid 1970’s. I went to Oklahoma, Chicago, and then to Canada. You can figure out which years from these precious memories.
You once challenged us to memorize Romans chapter 8. I worked on these 39 verses until I have had them in my heart to be pulled out so many times in answer to questions in my struggling spirit. Each time I had an answer revealed to me through these verses, I have thought of you and how much you taught me as a teenager.
I craved affirmation, but I shunned public display because I did not feel worthy of any praise or being well-spoken of by anyone I admired. I felt it would be too soon before I would disappoint you and others, just by being myself; so I was always content to do my best to shine but not be noticed like the spot light focused in a well lit room can blind the target instead of assist them to see. I have worried that my desire to be affirmed was a sin, like pride, but my self-esteem has never been all that great. No accomplishment has ever been enough for me to feel good about myself. I guess I know my faults too well.
If you look on the album cover you may be able to pick me out but if you try to recall a memory I am probably not there. I have seen several that were in our youth choir and only a few recognize me.
I felt compelled to write. I am not sure why other than to let you know who I am today and to let you know you played a part in shaping my Christian life, my spiritual faith, determining my church service, and developing my love of choir and music. I am a Sunday School teacher, mother of three children who are actively serving God, a wife of almost 25 years to a man who is growing in grace and knowledge of a deeper personal relationship with Christ, and a choir member who sings whatever part is lacking on any given Sunday. No I don’t want to toot my own horn, but feel the need to praise God..for you. You have a part in who I have become. Your encouragement and especially the gift of the challenge to write Romans 8 in my heart because it had so many precious promises in it have influenced me to strive to overcome any difficulties I have had to face.
I learned the truth that “the Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God and joint-heirs with Christ” so that I could cling to my faith during any crisis. I would recall the promise that even though “we know not what we should pray for as we ought, the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings which cannot be uttered” sot that we can pray in accordance with the will of God even when we are not sure what His will is. I still cling to the fact that “nothing can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Each verse from beginning to end and those before chapter 8 and those beyond it have come into play over the years to give a precious promise I have clung to during a spiritual storm. I recited these verses to my class of teenagers recently and then to my church family one Wednesday night while we were studying the book of Romans. I felt you should know the part you played in this means more to me than the fact that these opportunities to share these verses occurred. May God receive the glory! And may you feel blessed to know you have had a part.
May God bless you and keep you. May His face shine upon you and be gracious, and give your peace.
In Christ alone,
Jo Smith Hogan – Jonesboro, LA
Bro. Price,
I have so enjoyed sharing with friends and family about the Grand Reunion. There were more present from that 1st choir tour than I expected and it was so good to see them again after so many years. I know it was a big undertaking to organize this event and all involved did such a good job.
To sing in the "youth choir" once again under your leadership was such a blessing--once again joining together as we sang "Pass It On." Of course, there were many there I did not know, but all the testimonies again and again reflected of how much we all loved you for loving us. You poured into us what Christ poured into you--His great love--and for that I thank you again.
It was good to see so many at the Praise Service. I never dreamed there would be so many there that night. But to see all of your family as well as Bro. Step and Pat and all their family was incredible. Then, seeing Larry and Judy, Jerry and Geraldine, Martha and Everett, Gloria Wyatt, Mr. and Mrs. Sumrall, Lucy, Suanne, Jean and JJ, Billy-so many that gave of their time to us all those years ago. It was so much fun.
Two things that stand out for me was the privilege of sharing my testimony (thanks for asking) and getting to speak one on one with some of the youth I spent time with all those many years ago. Nelda and Peggy Kennedy, Gary Frazier, Larry Sumrall, Robin Sumrall, Steve Petty, Mike Terry, Debbie Shaw, Debbie Gilmore, Cindy Wyatt, and of course, Cathy, Barbara, Sue, Debbie, and Norma--I know I'm leaving some out. As I visited with them, I discovered that we've all experienced difficult times and brokenness in our lives at one time or another as well as times of joy, and yet we cling to the One we know to always be with us, who we know to be Faithful and True. Those two things along with helping to celebrate your 65th birthday were all blessings for me.
I look forward to hearing more concerning your mission work. I love you, Bro. Price ,and I pray that God will continue to bless and confirm the work of your hands.
I hope we can do this again sometime.
Diana (Mabry) Bagley
Dear Bro. Price and Mrs. Ann,
I can't begin to express how much the reunion meant to me. Somehow we recaptured the sweetness of those years in teen choir - and the years since then seemed to have melted away for a little while. For myself, as well as many others, it was a time to reconnect with the things that really matter in life - our relationship with Jesus Christ, and what we do to further God's kingdom. We become so busy with family, work, and the day-to- day realities of living - and it's easy to forget where we came from, and just how far God has brought us. Thank you for once again mentoring and shepherding us, ever so gently, and leading us back "to the fold". Mere words of thanks seem inadequate to express the heartfelt gratitude for all the love, time and effort you've given to me and to all of those God brought into your path. You'll have some crowns to place at the feet of Jesus.
With much love,
Sally (Harbert) Frazier
Bro. Price and Mrs. Ann,
Last weekend was so uplifting to my soul. God knew just what I needed and when I needed it. I heard from my surgeon on Monday. I am in the early stage of breast cancer and will see the oncologist today. My doctor tells me that I need to have surgery in the next couple of weeks. I do have some options and haven't made up my mind yet. I will do that after much prayer and talking to the oncologist and a plastic surgeon on Friday. This came as a total surprise to me. My faith in Jesus is not shaken though. He has seen me through other bumps in the road of my life and I know He'll do the same now. And He has truly given me a rock in Wendell. I praise Him for that. So please keep me in your prayers as I pray for you also. I love you both and thank you for the Godly impact you have had on my life.
Love in Him,
Brenda Frazier Collins
How did the reunion go? I was praying for you and Ann. I hope that you were able to stop for a moment and enjoy all the blessings. Wasn't it awesome to see all that God has done because you made yourself available to Him all of these years? I would love to have been there to see it and to spend time with you and Ann. You are such amazing people! Unfortunately, Tony is in the final stages of his dissertation and his "people" were gathering to go over the final steps with him. But God is good! As sad as I was not to be at the reunion, His plan for me was so much better. I was here on Friday as my youngest daughter became my little sister for eternity!! How great is that?? While you guys were celebrating on Sunday in Shreveport, we were celebrating here as Kelly made a public profession of her faith in God!! There is nowhere else on earth that I would have rather been at that moment! When you get some time, let me know how it went. Keep Kyle in your prayers.
Much love,
Beverly (Vogelsung) Hughes – Alexandria, VA
Dear Bro. Price,
“Happy birthday! I’m sorry that I can’t be there, but if I could have, I would have made the trip gladly. I would have enjoyed sharing the following words with you in person, but perhaps you’ll be able to sense my heart as you read the following lines.
“Apart from my parents, Bro. Step and you provided the human “footprints” that led me into the ministry. Though you two share many spiritual characteristics, to me you fall into two complementary “categories.” (Looking back, I find it interesting to think how the Holy Spirit used both of you – together, but differently – what a team!).
“While Bro. Step was a “larger-than-life” person to me – bold, fiery; thundering in the pulpit, quietly determined and dedicated personally, it was you, Bro. Price, coming along afterward as the “near one,” the mentor – approachable, interested; firm, but patient and encouraging, who God used to cement His calling upon my life. Bro. Step’s seemingly “far-away” and, to my wandering teenage mind, patently “unattainable” standard became comprehendible, reasonable, expected and – amazingly – natural in our walk and talk together. I was, in my own adolescent way, comparing notes: what he said to what you said; how both of you lived what you said, etc.
“What I didn’t realize at the time was that the two of you were plotting together to get me (and others) to do those “far-away” and “unattainable” things. (What were you thinking?)
“I had been in the youth group some time, but was only playing “the game.” Then Bro. J. Harold Smith’s “God’s Three Deadlines” let me know that God wasn’t fooled – nor amused – and I had no choice, but to choose, and do it immediately. Thankfully, I chose Christ over my play-acting. I met Bro. Step down front, and, in spite of his amazement that I needed to be saved, prayed with me. He baptized me that night. My dad sat in stunned silence in the audience, and my mom was shocked as well. I look forward to seeing them again in heaven.
“Anyway, it was the summer after I was saved when the next step in Bro. Step’s and your nefarious plot succeeded. It was on a choir tour, of course, in the Calvary Baptist Church in St. Louis, where I made the decision.
“It was another concert. Another invitation. And I was another teenager struggling with the “far-away” and “unattainable.” “All I have is just me,” I kept thinking, “a skinny, ugly little kid with no redeeming qualities or talents compared to the others.” And yet, with nothing to offer, that day I felt I could do nothing but make the offer.
“Then it clicked. It was as I was looking at you. You were standing near the front, talking to others as they came forward. A new, and to me, strange conviction came unbidden and unlooked-for to my heart – sudden, swelling and final: like the year before when I became a Christian – demanding the same immediate surrender and obedience. It came into my heart as a kind of “solution,” or “answer” to a puzzle: explaining and defining what I was trying to work out in my mind (that “will of God” thing). I knew, suddenly that, for me, obedience to that “far-away” and “unattainable” standard of loving and serving Jesus Christ with all my heart could only be defined as my investing my life in the lives of others, just in the same way you (and Bro. Step in his way) were investing your life in mine. I knew that the “just me” offering was the only offering He was expecting me to give; the only one He would accept.
“Obviously, I’m describing this in 49-year-old ways; but believe me: that was exactly the sensation. It was clear, it was unmistakable, it was instantaneous; and I can still see it in my mind’s eye: God pointed His finger in your direction and said, “This, this is what I have for you. Will you follow? I want your answer, now.” What could I do but say, “Yes”? I think I actually said it aloud. I also remember as I stepped into the aisle to make my way forward that I looked at the other teens in our group, and thought how silly you would think my decision, considering their talents and abilities. You can imagine my surprise when your words were “Well, it’s about time (or something to that effect).” You didn’t seem surprised. You didn’t even seem relieved or grateful that I was making some kind of “ultimate sacrifice” for the Lord. It was more like, “Well, of course, who wouldn’t want to serve Him.”
“Of course, Satan didn’t say, “oh, well, that’s that, let’s find someone else to harass.” My flesh got in the way plenty of times, and sometimes, it was a struggle to do what was right. On several sad occasions, I confess I came within a step or two of destroying what God showed me that evening in St. Louis. Yet I was and have been spared until now, and I know the examples I had been given (My parents, Bro. Step and you), and your continuing prayers are some of the things that the Lord used in my life. These are things use to call me away from the disasters and snares Satan has and will lay for my flesh (Romans 7:24; James 5:16). Truly, I cannot lay claim to any of the “good things” wrought in me or through me: they all are the fruits of “entering into other men’s labors” (John 4:38).
“I know many with you today feel the same way…
“Today, by God’s grace, I have been given a godly wife (the brains of the family), and, together share a home and ministry of 26 years – 19 in one place. My home has been a “heaven here below” (do you remember the song, That’s What Jesus Means to Me?). I have been given four children, who are saved, doing what’s right, and are in or headed into ministries of their own. I believe and am praying they will become so much more than their father; and that, of course, is what all parents desire (Psalm 78:5 – 8).
“Along with these, many others have been saved, and there are other young people who today are preparing for full-time Christian service, or are serving here and even in foreign lands. Theses call or write me from time to time to tell me “thank you.” What they don’t know and can’t realize until we’re in heaven together is that they are your spiritual “grandchildren” in the Lord (II Timothy 1:5).
“All of this rambling on has been to say this: Bro. Step put the Word on my heart (planting), you, Bro. Price, a song on my lips (watering), and, praise be to God, He is giving increase (I Corinthians 3:7). All I’ve tried to do is pass it on, and, in that way repay a debt of love I owe to you both (Psalm 16:2 – 3; II Timothy 2:2).
“For them and from the depths of my heart and soul I want to thank you (and you, Mrs. Ann, Bro. Step and Mrs. Pat). How I love you!
“I’m still “Just Me” … Your Timothy,
Joe Mims (Bedford, VA)
Bro. Price,
I cannot put into words what the reunion meant to really was a piece of heaven to see everyone and fellowship. I am so honored and blessed to have been just a small part of Calvary Bapt. Church. Thanks for doing this and I'm all for another reunion in about 18 months!
I so wanted to give a small testimony on Sat. morning, but I knew that there was no way I could do it without crying...I feel almost dehydrated after my visit home and the reunion. I have such a burden for my boys and others in my life.
Love in Him,
Debbie (Shaw) KIEDROWSKI
Sweet Bro. Price,
Your dream of a GRAND Re-union was JUST THAT! It's BLESSED all that came to participate. Thank you for asking me to participate in the planning. It was a privilege to work with all the others on the team. It was so good to see old friends. And how I wish so many that were not there could have experienced it! I wish we could send each one of them a DVD so it would let them experience it just a little...maybe enough to encourage them to come to the next one? Patrick said to me several times on Sunday how much he enjoyed it. He was a lot of help on Saturday, caring the heavy stuff for me and I enjoyed our hanging out together. Craig said he could feel the excitement and love we all have for each other and for you when we were having share time in the hospitality room. He's been such a blessing to me and to Patrick. I know you were surprised by the LOVE Gift from everyone...we just wanted you to know we haven't forgotten that time you both invested into our lives and what it has come to mean to all of us. I love you and Mrs. Ann very much.
Peggy (Clayton) Harshfield
Bro. Price,We sure did enjoy the reunion. It was unbelievable to me that all of those that came were able to make it. What a joy it must have been for you, because it was a privilege for me to just get to see so many that I thought I'd never see again this side of heaven. We appreciate all that you did for us. Each one in our group wanted me to tell you how much they enjoyed it. I wish that I could have stayed for the testimony time on Saturday. We needed to get on the road to sing that night in Whitesboro, Oklahoma. I have e-mailed Greg and will tell Joe also what they missed. If you haven't heard it too much already, I would sure love it if you could do it again sometime. You are a tremendous blessing to me and my family. We love you.Ronnie LaCaze
Bro. Price,It was such a pleasure to talk with you this morning. It was wonderful to hear the same sweet loving spirit in your voice that first made me feel so loved and included in the Calvary youth group so long ago. Without your love and acceptance, many of us would have not been open to God's message. Thank you so much for being there for us.
Dana (Rowan) Favrot
I am so sorry I had to leave. I was meeting my folks. Believe me, I did not want to go. It was wonderful. I have just talked all week about it. To see what God is doing and how others are
serving was such ablessing. I did not get to order a DVD but I want one. Thank you so much for bringing us all together again. The impact your ministry has had on my life is amazing. Sometime I will write you a long letter. I love you and Miss Ann more than you will ever know. I look forward to having another reunion soon. I know that I live away, but I would love to help if I could. Thank you again for your life and your minstry. You truly are a living example of Jesus.Love,
Beth (Tidwell) Wright
Brother Price,
I want you to know that, as of this writing, we have arranged our holiday so that we will indeed be there for this very special event. I can only imagine the difficulty in contacting all the various people that you have ministered to through these many years. Come to think about it, I guess know one would have guessed that three of us "Martin Kids" would have wound up living in Ethopia, Armenia, and Egypt. Ha! I guess I traded in running away on a pony to hanging out with various unsavory characters and camels somewhere along the way. Sir, this event and our upcoming time in Shreveport will allow me to personally share with you what I have started to pen to you on several occasions in recent years, but did not complete. In a short preview, there are two men which provided that knucklehead kid on that choir stand with role models and a moral compass which has allowed the man which he became to negotiate his life far beyond the streets of Cedar Grove. Of course, those two men are you and Step Martin. Likewise, the knucklehead kid is now a knucklehead living in Cairo, just a little bit older, uglier, and less innocent having experienced one heck of ride since trading in that choir uniform. Thank you! We look forward to seeing you soon.
Marty Martin
We really enjoyed the reunion and fellowship with everyone! Barbara’s jaws are still sore from all the talking she did. Best wishes for your family and ministry during 2007.
David and Barbara (Silvey) Simmons
This past weekend was “Grand”! Carl and I appreciated getting to sing in the Reunion Choir and in the ensemble. Thanks for the extra CD which we have already given away.
Carl and Anita (Bolton) Wilkinson
I was thinking about the time I knocked on your door bleeding from head to toe from that motorcycle wreck. You brought me in and you and Miss Ann anointed me with alcohol. I’m glad you kept your singing job. I don’t think you would have made it as a healing preacher. You have been a great friend Bro. price. I’m looking forward to the singing and the reunion.
Sam Restivo
P.S. I probably won’t last long with this computer thing. it makes my brain hurt!